Happy 2017
2:25 PMHAPPY NEW YEAR!!! (5 days late) man this past year really flew by! January is always such a good time to reflect on the past 365 days- what all happened this year? What goals did you reach? What accomplishments did you achieve? Did you develop any new talents? Did you travel somewhere new? Make new friends? etc. etc. etc.
When I look back, 2016 definitely had some pretty AMAZING things happen;
- started the year engaged to Taylor
- made our first Disneyland trip together
- first time to the Midway Ice Castles
- first time hiking in Moab
- GOT MARRIED IN THE TEMPLE (a goal I've had since I was very little)
- first time on a cruise
- first time to Mexico/the Catalina Islands
- moved to/lived in Alabama for 3 months
- bought a puppy
- visited New Orleans
- first time to Florida/Disney World (one of my fav memories)
- first time to Harry Potter World
- moved to Logan, Utah
I had a ton of first's this year, and I'm so glad I got to experience them all with my cute hubby!
However, due to some hormonal health issues (I think this was the main cause), my mindset for most of the year was not what it should have been, which caused me to have a negative outlook on life in general. To be honest, I got really depressed.
I got SO tired of being sad all the time!! So that's why this year my main goal for 2017 is to be HAPPY and all my resolutions that will help me to have a better mindset are:
- work on being more confident
- think happy thoughts
- speak and think kinder words
- continue growing my hair to my bellybutton
- smile more
- come closer to CHRIST
- be more social
- learn to love myself
- put my husband's needs before my own
- work on being healthier by eating right, working out regularly, and loving my body
- pray daily
- read scriptures daily
- find a way to share my talents
- stop comparing
- make new friends
- stop expecting things
- travel to/see something new
- focus on the positive qualities in others
- find a better makeup routine
- make better meals more often for my husband
- strive for progress, not perfection
- stop looking for happiness, make it
- come closer to becoming the person I want to be
I know that I can be happier this year- I already am doing better! I know it won't happen over night, but as long as I make little changes here and there, I know I will be able to make that happen. Usually I like to keep my resolutions to myself but I'm hoping by sharing them, I'll get more help to stay focused and be accountable for them- aka please help me stay in check guys lol
So here's to 2017- to being happy, to stop putting your goals on the back-burner, and working HARD for what you want! JUST DO IT! MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE (queue Shia LaBeouf) but really. Make this year YOUR year!
my quote for this year