My New Monday Mindset

7:54 PM

Honestly, last week basically really sucked. And I won't go into all the boring details, but here's why:

Long story short, this summer has not been what I had planned. And because of that, I've had a lot of expectations that have fallen short. And because of THAT, I'd say I've fallen into a bit of a depression.

Not being able to see my husband as much as I would like to, not being able to go places in my own free time because he takes the car to work, being alone at the house all day constantly cleaning the same 20 dishes, loads of laundry, and dog accidents on the daily. 

Thoughts of wishing I had never moved out here to Alabama in the first place. Thoughts of inadequacy, not seeing any potential or self worth for myself. Not having any motivation to clean the house, try to get ready for the day, or even continue writing this blog because "what's the point? I don't have any talents, I'm not cute enough, I'm not skinny enough, I don't dress nice enough, I don't leave the house anyway, nobody cares". 

They all have added up.

 I've fallen into a hole of my own sorrows and negativity that I can hardly see the light at the end of the tunnel anymore, mental breakdowns are an almost daily occurrence, and I'm constantly counting down the days until we leave this hell hole (28, in case you were wondering).

But here's why this week is not going to suck:

My husband is a wonderful, wonderful man. He's been there for all of my meltdowns, my built up avalanches of tears, he's even taken a couple days of work off to stay home with me and cheer me up.

Taylor is probably THE most positive, cheerful person I've ever met, and I've always wondered how someone could possibly be happy 99% of the time. It takes too much energy for me to even attempt to have a good attitude for 3 days in a row!

Last night, he let me in on his little secret..


His mindset is what keeps him in his joyous state. "It's all in your mind!" he told me.

He went on to tell me that if you have a positive mindset, you'll stay happy. If you tell yourself you're going to have a good day, you will. If you tell yourself you're going to lose weight, you will. It's okay to get sad if something bad happens, but don't let it affect your whole day. Cry it out if you need to, but you have to pick yourself up and get back to being happy. "Our minds are incredible, but they can also be our worst enemy". (wise words babe)

To be completely honest, he sounded like a crazy man talking nonsense. But I figured I would give it a shot because really, it's exhausting being sad all the time! 

Initially my thoughts on Monday mornings are along the lines of "well today is gonna suck!" 

I did NOT think that today.

 In my mind I kept saying "It's gonna be a good day!" as we made a trip to Target this morning and to Chik-Fil-A for lunch. 

The twelve dollar clearance sandals I found at Target ended up ringing out at seven bucks through checkout. #chaCHING!

I had a really nice time being able to hangout with my husband, enjoying a yummy lunch with some incredibly nice customer service (thanks Robert) 

I received a few of my online orders in the mail that I've really been looking forward to getting.

In my mind I kept saying "this is going to help me lose weight!" as I drank my morning lemon ginger herbal tea, as I ate my salad from lunch, as I worked out early this afternoon and went for a walk with my puppy afterwards, and as I made salmon and asparagus for dinner.

In my mind I kept saying "this is going to make me feel so good!" as I took the time to shave and exfoliate during my shower, and painted my nails afterwards.

It's all about the little things. It really is.

These were all simple little joys throughout my day that added up in the end and really had an impact on my entire mood! I can honestly say that I DID have a good day, probably the best Monday I've had in a long time!

Obviously, not every day goes like this. We don't always go out for lunch and I don't always order things online. But what I've learned today is that your mind really is SO powerful, and that a positive outlook can change your entire day! I could've woken up this morning, looked out the window and saw that it was raining and said "screw it, I'm not going outside, I'm not going to work out, I'm going to mope around all day". But I didn't! And I'm really glad I didn't because I would've missed out on all the joy that today brought me.

That's why this week is NOT going to suck. I'm going to keep this up and see where it takes me. No more sad days! (If I say it, it's bound to happen right?!) Some days are going to be harder than others, but I'd like to challenge YOU, dear reader, to change your mindset and think more positively. You can do anything you put your mind to! Make your life a happy one, and don't forget to enjoy the simple things in life. 

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  1. Great post Lex! Made me think of my new favorite podcast Invisabilia. You should check it out! Super interesting stuff. Listen to the one about becoming batman which shows how much our expectations affect reality. Actually all of them are good. Frame of reference too was a good episode on how your mindset can change everything. Check em out!

  2. Yay!!! Keep it up! :) also, keep blogging. Blogging is such a nice a healthy way to let out any kind of emotion you have. I used to blog a lot before my mission. I had a public one where I shared mostly nice stuff but still plenty of emotional things and my private one was just really emotional. I got to put my emotions into poem form and it became refreshing to let it out on my blog. :) now I've made both accounts private but I can invite you to my main one if you'd like?

    1. Agreed. I never realized how helpful it was with letting emotions and thoughts out. Plus, it's fun! I would love to see your blogs though!(:


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